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Reported Resistance Case(s)

Species: phenacoccus solenopsis

Order Family Common Name(s) Group Host
homoptera pseudococcidae cotton mealybug AG cotton, ornamentals, vegetable crops

Active Ingredient: thiodicarb

MOA: Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors, Carbamates
Group: CAR CAS #: 59669260 Shaugnessy Code: 114501

Resistance Case(s)

Case Id Year of Report Type of Resistance Location Reference
G21692 2022 Field Evolved Resistance
Shankarganesh, K., Ricupero, M., and Sabtharishi, S. (2022). Field evolved insecticide resistance in the cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis and its direct and indirect impacts on the endoparasitoid Aenasius arizonensis.. Scientific Reports, 12(1) 1-13.
G21695 2022 Field Evolved Resistance
Madhya Pradesh
Shankarganesh, K., Ricupero, M., and Sabtharishi, S. (2022). Field evolved insecticide resistance in the cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis and its direct and indirect impacts on the endoparasitoid Aenasius arizonensis.. Scientific Reports, 12(1) 1-13.
G22132 2022 Field Evolved Resistance
Shankarganesh, K., Ricupero, M. & Sabtharishi, S. (2022). Field evolved insecticide resistance in the cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis and its direct and indirect impacts on the endoparasitoid Aenasius arizonensis.. Scientific Reports, 12.
G22133 2022 Field Evolved Resistance
Shankarganesh, K., Ricupero, M. & Sabtharishi, S. (2022). Field evolved insecticide resistance in the cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis and its direct and indirect impacts on the endoparasitoid Aenasius arizonensis.. Scientific Reports, 12.
*The population was created solely by selection and/or genetic manipulation.
**The population was selected further in the laboratory after collection.