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Reported Resistance Case(s)

Species: drosophila melanogaster

Order Family Common Name(s) Group Host
diptera drosophilidae common fruit fly AG

Active Ingredient: cyromazine

MOA: Molting disrupter, Dipteran, Cyromazine
Group: MISC CAS #: 66215278 Shaugnessy Code: 121301

Resistance Case(s)

Case Id Year of Report Type of Resistance Location Reference
G5464 1993 Unspecified
Australia Adcock, G.J., P. Batterham, L.E. Kelly, and J.A. McKenzie. (1993). Cyromazine Resistance in Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Generated by Ethyl Methanesulfonate Mutagenesis. Journal of Economic Entomology, 86(4) 1001-1008.
*The population was created solely by selection and/or genetic manipulation.
**The population was selected further in the laboratory after collection.